What to Do If You Lose Your Car Keys?

Lok Out Shop
3 min readFeb 16, 2024

Losing your car keys can be a stressful and inconvenient experience, especially if it happens unexpectedly. Whether you’re stranded in an unfamiliar location or stuck in your own driveway, the panic of a lost car key can be overwhelming. In such situations, it’s essential to stay calm and take the right steps to resolve the issue promptly. This Blog will guide you through the process of what to do if you find yourself in an emergency lockout situation, and how a locksmith can be your ultimate savior.

Assess the Situation

The first step when you realize you’ve lost your car keys is to take a moment and assess the situation. Retrace your steps to see if you can remember where you might have left the keys. Check your pockets, bags, and surrounding areas to ensure you haven’t overlooked them. If you still can’t find the keys, it’s time to move on to the next steps.

Call for Assistance

If you’re unable to locate your car keys, it’s time to seek professional help. Call a reputable locksmith who specializes in automotive lockouts. Locksmiths are trained to handle various types of locks, and their expertise can be invaluable in situations like these. Make sure to provide them with accurate information about your location and the make and model of your car to expedite the process.

Search for Spare Keys

While waiting for the locksmith to arrive, check if you have spare keys at home or with a trusted friend or family member. Having spare keys can save you from a lot of hassle and potentially reduce the time and cost associated with hiring a locksmith. If you don’t have spare keys, it might be a good idea to consider getting a spare set made once the situation is resolved.

Avoid DIY Methods

It’s crucial to resist the temptation of trying DIY methods to unlock your car, especially if you lack the necessary skills and tools. Using improvised tools or attempting to force your way into the vehicle can lead to damage, adding more complications and expenses to the situation. Professional locksmiths have the expertise and proper tools to handle lockouts without causing harm to your vehicle.

Verify the Locksmith’s Credentials

When the locksmith arrives, ensure that they provide proper identification and verify their credentials. Reputable locksmiths are licensed and insured, giving you peace of mind that they are qualified to handle the job. Avoid hiring individuals who seem unprofessional or lack the necessary documentation, as this could lead to subpar services or potential security risks.

Discuss Costs and Payment Options

Before the locksmith begins their work, discuss the costs associated with the service and inquire about payment options. Some locksmiths accept various forms of payment, including credit cards or mobile payment apps. Understanding the fees upfront helps you avoid any surprises when it comes time to settle the bill. Additionally, ask for a detailed invoice that outlines the services provided and the associated costs.

Prevent Future Lockouts

Once the locksmith has successfully helped you regain access to your car, take preventive measures to avoid future lockouts. Consider getting spare keys made and keep them in secure locations. You might also explore advanced security options, such as keyless entry systems, to reduce the risk of traditional key-related issues.

Update Your Spare Key Location

If you’ve had to rely on spare keys during the lockout, it’s essential to update their location. Make a mental note or record it in a secure place to ensure you can access them quickly if needed. Communicate this information to trusted friends or family members who may assist you in the future.


Experiencing a car key loss can be a nerve-wracking ordeal, but knowing what to do in such situations can make the process smoother and less stressful. Calling a locksmith for an emergency lockout is often the most efficient and secure solution. By staying calm, seeking professional assistance, and taking preventive measures, you can turn a frustrating situation into a learning experience and ensure you’re better prepared for any future mishaps.

In times of distress, a locksmith specializing in emergency lockouts can be your reliable ally, swiftly resolving the issue and getting you back on the road with minimal hassle.



Lok Out Shop

Lok Out Shop is a trusted source for residential, commercial and automotive locksmith services in (Richmond).